[圖] 幾天前 Esquires 好人老闆送的,說是他們的新產品。覺得蠻好喝的 x]
已經一陣子沒有更新了。因為桌子上的東西太多,又懶得去整理,所以兩個放不下的 laptop 只好暫遷到家裡的其他角落;因為家裡沒裝 wireless,所以想上網的話還要拉 cable 或直接搶爸媽的電腦;因為這個緣故,所以最近上網的機會真的很少。嗯所以這就是沒有更新的原因。(好長的藉口..|||)
學期結束了,發現大一比想像中的還短暫。出沒地點不是家裡、圖書館就是 Esquires,發現比較不能在太安靜的環境下專心。感冒時好時壞,發現它好像不是單純的感冒 (偏偏選在 final 前是什麼意思啊!) 情緒時高時低,今天又看到了難過的東西。反覆聽了很多歌,反覆看了很多 drama,反覆打了好多次遊戲機,發現我唯一讓心情變好的方法是,轉移注意力。今天心情有點鬱悶,但我說不上來為什麼。
大家 final 加油啊!>”< 不要感冒了喔! p.s. 這大概是一篇最沒有主題的 blog =.= p.p.s. 有些好奇人士問上一篇的「血痕」效果是怎麼做出來的,其實...那是真血啦 囧rz...詳情我不想說了,反正當時反應:「哇阿猴裡細特哇勒 X!」(猛抽衛生紙)...(五秒後)...「ㄟ這個 pattern 看起來好帥 ⊙⊙...」.....現在想想還真不敢相信,自己竟然還會照下來 (我不是變態啊!= =)
變態…. HAHAHAHHA j/k XD (我很喜歡別人用英文去翻譯中文… 有的時候很好笑 lol)
final 加油囉!
wah!! it is reli kool that u have your own web? is hosting this expensive? … unfortunatly the computer i’m using right now doesnt have chinese program install… so i cant reli use chinese >.
=3= call me come all the way here to see that u skip replying my comment…..
aiyo. sorry wasted so much of ur phone card $$. u noe i realise hor…in vanc. we dun really talk on phone that much de leh. hor?!? in grade 12 lar. or do we? ….人老了,比较健忘。像当年。。。
okay okay. AH. so fun talk on phone. this time u complain abt phone bill ..not me..hahaha. and its such an educating phone call..i’ll juz briefly summarize it here:
we revised the concept of love care and share.
we came up with several hypothesis regrading why my bio TA has such big boobs
we dicussed the ranking of PG and the possible causes of its decline.
and as a bonus, u learnt abt y africa women has big butts.
so overall…i think ur 1hr phone bill was totally worth it right???哈哈阿
hopefully u r studying ur physics now…and enjoying green tea latte.
me go listent to bio lecture le…
ganbatte ikimashiou!
下次你请我吧。 就这么决定了。哈哈哈
我想問妳唷~妳說的那家Esquires 是不是在41 St. Ave上ㄚ?!
haha~ me coming to fill some water le~~~ (这是废话-.-||)
and you always have nice photos on ur webpage~~~ (这也是废话-.-||)
ok, me gonna bs some more~~~ (这还是废话-.-||)
lol~ aniwais, me should have stayed longer in Esquires that day so that i could get to enjoy a bit of the drink too~ it looks pretty good~
haha~ thx for the “advice” (-.-||) that by watching more than one dramas at a time could get you become detached from the plot~ i was originally planning to watch less, but after knowing this……….
and by the way, yes, this yr seems SOOO FAST!! even now i still find it hard to believe that my first yr (1/4=25%) of university is ALREADY over?! @@?? feel like i didnt learn anything……the only skill that i got better at is procrastination………..-.-||
aniwais, gd luck on ur finals and hope ur 感冒 would become better~
考試考完了嗎? 什麼時候放假阿?
對囉妳上面到底是怎麼樣阿, 說到血好像一副無所謂的樣子, 反而更興奮呢。(這是什麼的象徵? “吸血鬼”是我第一個反應) (完全冷掉了)
anyways, have fun and enjoy
好吧, 既然這麼多因為和所以…
因為我來留言了, 所以我要按下”submit comment”
PS 妳上面的飲品看起來像酒, 讓我們對惆悵乾杯 (哀, 舉杯消愁仇更愁) ~”~ 算了, 別喝了。(完全不知道自己在說什麼狀態, 請妳原諒)
hey grace! i’m surprised i didn’t see you today =P
sorry i went to the library and got home very late last night… didn’t really go into the pile to find if there’s anything helpful from physics last semester….
best of luck tomorrow though!!! (i finished my first one today… no more eng for my life =D)
p.s. did i tell you how much i love your blog? very comfy and soothing =D
SL:什麼變態啦.. = =lll 是有藝術眼光好不好! 姆哇哈哈哈哈~ (hair stands..)
Mike:Hey so glad that you came! ^^ aiyoo it’s ok u can still use english!! thanks for coming o~!! =D
Weini:HAHAHA OMG.. I can’t stop laughing when I read ur summary… that even sandy asked me if I was okay.. = =lll hahahah~~ (cuz i read it off her laptop y/d) wellz… u made this summary to prove how useful our conversation was… but er.. i think this summary actually showed how much 廢話 we talked.. = = HAHAH~! 什麼叫做殺了哪家的豬啊!真是的…(你在暗示誰嗎=3=)
抹茶:哇謝謝你留言哦~! 呵呵~ 嗯 Esquires 就是 W41 & W Blvd 的那一家哦! 你也常去嗎? : D
sandy:hahaha thx for coming to fill water!! XD LOL~ y/d at the arcade was fun.. (你的迴旋踢好帥啊!) i can’t believe that this yr is ending either.. 不過..如果你捨不得的話,別擔心還有 summer school =P 哈哈 (did that made u feel better? XD) and yaa taking my advices for drama is always rite!! A_A+ LOL~
yu3heng2:哈哈,其實也不是無所謂啦,當時還有點 out of control… (用了快二十張紙..>< 我最近怎麼浪費那麼多衛生紙啊..) 不過你也夠冷的~~ 哈哈不愧是雪人 + 冷宮宮主啊!! @@ (reminds me of the "cold war" pic i drew... soo true!) hahaha rufi:hahha ya i didn't go to skul today, or else I would've seen u XD since ur basically everywhere! (what's that called... omnipresent?) Don't worry about the phys stuff, very touched that u offered!! besides i still haf a lot of questions to do, so.. XD 能寫完那些已經很不錯了 haha~ glad to know that u like this blog, but sorry i mite hafta disappoint u now... >< my new post is neither soothing nor comfy, it's actually quite disturbing n sick.. = =||| so.. hahaha~ hope u dun mind lo!! XD
不過那時他們說沒有空缺 =v=;
而且他們好像比較 prefer 有咖啡館經驗的人(感覺啦^^”~)
[…] 20+70+10=$100!唉…花這錢好不值啊… orz) By the way 這是家裡的餐桌,因為現在還是過著遊牧民族的生活 = = 不過前陣子發現我家可以偷到 linksys 的 wireless network,而且不論走到哪裡 […]