(2007/2/21 By: 小N,一個看起來不像設計總監的設計總監,轉載自此)
空白的 11″ x 17″ 畫面,實在想不出來要放什麼。
乾脆就走極簡風格,整張就白紙黑字用斗大的「T W F F」占滿就好?XDD 只不過我知道這樣一定會被扁,而有濃厚台灣古早(?)風的傳統做法,似乎又太 typical 了點…

而且有點機車的一點,我的 WACOM 失蹤了!
沒想到連那麼大張的手寫版都可以在家裡弄不見,真的是件很神奇的事情 @@ 不過之前我也把我的 UPASS 在五分鐘內變不見過 [註一],所以也沒什麼值得大驚小怪的啦。只不過,用筆電 touchpad 托來拉去的還真不是普通的高難度!(從上圖就可得知囧)
靈感女神,你度完假了要趕快回來呀。(WACOM 寶貝也是~)
註一:若干週前的早晨,某N急急忙忙地要去上班,就先把 UPASS 拿出來放在桌上然後去收拾東西,結果當某N叼著土司準備奪門而出時,發現忘了連 UPASS 一起帶走,就趕快跑回桌上拿,結果,結果,桌面竟然是空的!夭壽喔#$%︿&前五分鐘還在的耶!好詭異!⊙口⊙ 找了半天都找不到,只好花兩塊多的車費去上班…(後來感謝 Tiffany 載我回家…) 那個 UPASS,至今再也沒找到過…゚∀゚…
補辦 UPASS 的櫃檯阿杯:「YOU LOST YOUR UPASS? When did you lose it? Why did you lose it? HOW did you lose it?」我:「……TT^TT *心碎之聲*」已身經百戰且經驗豐富的某藤:「(幽幽地說)…UPASS 乃身外之物,我都掉了好幾次了,節哀順變,你要看開點 =︿=」
i think the poster is good ah…just add a shadow for the eye guy…
and why is the how in uppercase…(
very eye catchy~~
and yeah add a bit shadow would be great ^^
我很愛阿! simple is ample ! (i don’t know if that makes sense) 但是 like karen said, it is quite catchy!
我有點敗一個 wacom tablet XD
also..省油墨..in case you need to print it out
啊哈哈 這海報真是太可愛了!!!
我覺得如果能加上一點更電影的元素 (才不會雖然引人注目
但是沒辦法不看 taiwanese film festival 的字樣就知道跟電影有關)
hhaha not sure if the poster’s edited and final yet. thought there’s nothing wrong going w/ simple. i’d actually take off the TWFF at the top completely and add a semi smaller and a more solid color for the TWFF below the chinese name. and above it add in UBCLE presents or put it at the bottom. for the bubble w/ the question mark u can add in another bubble w/ taiwan’s island shape to it. potato/island what the heck is it. suits the theme. hahah
grace lin!!~~
I dun know how to comment on your newest entry..so I will comment here =P
ur avatar is very cute~~ never noticed ur hair is actually that long already…when I looked at it longer, the somewhere in the dp doesnt really look like u..but I dun noe where exactly~~ ur whole page is in typed in Chinese~~ it is quite cool….nice layout that I can tell you must have put some effort into this page~~
btw, I turned off the rss function because I am not really sure what exactly it is/does. in the footprints, I sometimes see RSS so I thought its really annoying because I dun noe why rss keeps showing up in my footprints…thats why I just turned it off so I could tidy up a bit..that footprints page. so you read my entries from rss? does that mean..u use a special program to read ppl’s entries instead of reading from “my subscriptions”?
= = 不會吧…
我最近工作, 以為麵團被我弄丟了 (很神奇的, 每次就少了一塊), 後來才發現他們藏在機器的後面地板上…
~___~ things just dunt come and go… wahahahha
*Grace 大申明*: ㄟ…大家…這不是 poster 啦…XD 是當時很 frustrated 所以亂畫畫來表達「靈感你到那兒去了」的吶喊…^^||| 可是你們的意見都好棒!謝謝喔!
Ps. 不過我突然發現我的新版也忘了畫倒影…0w0 *驚
umm.. did your comment get cut? XD
thank u karen~!!
超級推 Wi 買 WACOM 的 idea!
到時候的作品一定會驚為天人 :D
省油墨…哈哈哈 XD 也對後!
而且印黑白 & 印彩色的價錢有差
真是會精打細算 XDDDD
謝謝 cuddlie 的寶貴建議!:D
才發現我跟 35mm 真的不熟 XD||| 哈哈哈
…反正海報是我在畫不是你對不對 =w=|||
wah, so 難得 to see kk’s long comment in english! 0w0
heheheh thanks for ur suggestions, u really haf a strong artistic sense!!
之前本來想說 原本已經有個「?」的 bubble 那麼可以再加一個「!」的只不過是台灣的形狀…但不管怎麼弄都被我弄得很奇怪 T__T (感覺好像是…印表機故障所以把驚嘆號印成那麼大一坨…)…哈哈哈哈~ 頗有進步的空間 XD||
wah so surprised to see u here!! XD
the difference between the dp and the real me is quite obvious… with or without glasses! XD (haha..lame) and yeah..photos are usually quite deceiving XD
and yaaaa i always read ur blog thru rss because i’m too lazy to log into my xanga everytime =P so u better turn them back onnn laaa hahaha
miss u so much neh. see u on tues!!
被我媽媽”不小心”收到一個頗隱密的地方 =w=”
哈哈哈 機器後面的地板上
Andre 葉
[…] 喔喔還有,之前失蹤多天的 WACOM 終於找回來啦!原來是被我媽媽不小心藏起來了 =v=lll 我與 WACOM 感人的重逢就不在這裡敘述了,總之這就是此次團圓後所誕生的第一部心血結晶之作: […]