[食記] Tomoya Sushi


本來是約莉莉安跟衡但是在 Metro meet up 時卻剛好撞見T阿奏以及久違的伊莎貝爾及鱈魚同學,歐買尬這實在是太神奇了 XD 然後 Tomoya Sushi 真的是一個令人感到幸福以及飽足到快爆胃的地方。我愛!

PS. 上面有兩張可以瞄到衡跟她的新 XTi. 嘎嘎我竟然密死掉了FS四百多的特價唔喔喔…(極深怨念囧) http://www.ipixels.net/echo/2007/12/28/tomoya-sushi/

     Tomoya Japanese Restaurant

  • 6285 Nelson Ave, Burnaby
  • 604-437-8839

7 則留言

  1. Matcha wrote:

    我現在了解到為什麼 一入深夜 就絕對不能隨便走進GRACE的部落格………看得我肚子好餓阿!!!
    TOMOYA真的很棒 不貴 給的量也夠多!

  2. Tomcat wrote:

    sushi makez me hungry~! XD

  3. wrote:

    到時候開學會不會任不出來阿? (整個人胖一圈??)

  4. kwyc wrote:

    i love tomoya too!!! =D
    i love their phoenix roll~ umm~

  5. Lisa wrote:

    i finally come here after a long long time! =) and the first thing i see when the page loads is…ur professional photography skills!! =DD hahaha~~ looks very nice and yummy~ and the sushi looks quite unique as well ;) can’t wait to see the pix u took today…of all the veggies..ahahha~

  6. TU wrote:

    your photos are so good! now i dun want to post any of mine X)
    hehe!! Thank you for coming out, it was a great dinner.
    By the way, me have something for you so … we meet next time … will give you (bad grammar) XD

  7. 小 N wrote:

    哈哈唉唷 我現在也覺得好餓…XD
    (今天一整天只在電影院裡吃了一份 Burger King T.T)
    呵明年大家一起去 Tomoya 慶祝抹茶小姐凱旋歸來吧!XD

    yaa same XD

    喔~ 那今天應該沒有嚇到你吧?0w0
    (還好你的車還載得動我 哈哈)
    對喔我還欠你跟 Ivy 跟 Kevin 半塊羊排…
    等 I 某回來約吧 XD

    I shall definitely try that out next time!!

    omg you still remember my blog address!!
    me so touched neh~~ hahaha
    I’m gonna upload the posh photos later…
    cuz they’re on a diff comp XD
    can’t wait to see u again on the new yr’s day le!

    what nooooooooo!!! of course you should post yours!
    I didn’t take a lot of photos.. these were the only i took T.T
    so i’m waiting for urs lo hahaha (but of coz, please delete that ugly pic of me first)

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