POSH ● 原燒


6 則留言

  1. wrote:

    OHOH!~ Posh, I’ve been there twice in the last two weeks, it’s ssshoooo goooood!! I love the sukiyaki style japanese hotpot…anyways, i notice that you haven’t post any writing yet…LOL

  2. thinslicing wrote:

    lol they gave us free beer last time i was there

  3. Patty wrote:

    went to the one on broadway last time, pretty good!!
    how’s the one in richmond?

  4. SL wrote:

    that’s all the main photo you put of posh?! aww it’s famous for its unlimited meat! lol

  5. 小 N wrote:

    yeah i love sukiyaki!!
    而且感覺整個就很健康!(好多蔬菜 XD)

    what~~! soooo nice!!
    too bad i didn’t get any.. =v= haha
    the service was very nice though!

    the one in richmond was pretty good too,
    although i think it’s smaller than the one on broadway…
    they just opened a new one in metro, kinda wanna try that too XD hehe

    hahaha man i love their meat!!!!! XDDDD
    再說啦 XD (汗) 哈哈

  6. 。Clone。 wrote:

    u know why ur clone is here??

    I was checking Posh’s phone number..
    and then…google you ur link..

    i was…what….isn’t my clone’s website??

    haha….ok..i am out of it….

    我紅了我紅了XD (大誤)
    本來想就讓他過去算了的…|| orz

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