
如果在股溝孤狗裡輸入 define: (後面空白) 的話會出現什麼? [LINK]

而且這也驗證了危機百科的強大 (話說這些 association 到底是哪來的= =)
恩如果哪一天我輸入( ゚-゚)( ゚ロ゚)(( ロ゚)゚((( ロ)~゚ ゚ナント!!!而傳回的解釋是【顏文字。意指受到極大驚嚇的視型態】那應該就是人工智慧的最高顛峰了吧!呵呵呵 (好啦這個扯遠了)

雖然這篇沒什麼意義,但還是貼了一些我覺得非常謎樣的辭彙(?)與解釋 XD


→ ↑ →, (pronounced ‘tsk tsk tsk’) and moreoften written (though wrongly) as “Tsk Tsk Tsk” or “Tch Tch Tch”, was an Australian experimental musical group formed in Melbourne in 1977 by Philip Brophy, Ralph Traviato and Leigh Parkhill.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/→_↑_→ (這個團也太詭異了)

This page lists Japanese typographic symbols which are not included in kana or kanji.

In typography, a star is any of a number of glyphs with a number of triangular points arrayed within an imaginary circle.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/★ (有國民黨黨旗ㄝ(誤))

The phrase four-letter word refers to a set of English words written with four letters which are considered profane, including common popular or slang terms for excretory functions, sexual activity, and genitalia. …
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**** (還有四字髒話大匯整,wiki 果然既貼心用實用)

An arrow is a graphical symbol such as → or ←, used to point or indicate direction, being in its simplest form a line segment with a triangle affixed to one end, and in more complex forms a representation of an actual arrow.

An emoticon is a symbol or combination of symbols used to convey emotional content in written or message form. The word is a portmanteau of the English words emotion (or emote) and icon.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/*_* (這個讓我笑了 XD 而且如果打 T_T, ^_^ 也都通的喔!)

Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity, which typically occurs during thunderstorms, and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms.

←↓↑→ Dance Dance Revolution, also known as Dancing Stage and abbreviated DDR and DS, is a long-standing music video game series produced by Konami. …
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/←↓↑→ (沒想到這已經變成 DDR 的專屬符號了!)

!!! (pronounced as chk chk chk, to simulate mouth-clicking sounds) is an American dance-punk band that formed in autumn 1996 from the former bandmembers of The Yah Mos, Black Liquorice and Popesmashers.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/!!! (他們可以跟 tsk tsk tsk 做朋友)

好啦我最近的 PO 都很 random,是怎樣…orz

6 則留言

  1. ivy wrote:

    是說你不是很正經的跟我說你要去睡覺了嗎? = =”

    其實是因為要關 browser 的時候,不小心按到甚麼所以就跑到那個page…orz 不過學了這麼多無用知識再去睡覺,你不覺得很有意義嗎?XD

  2. alice wrote:


    不过话说,小N你怎么想到去查这些东西啊?难道是很。。。。闲?(因该是MIDTERM 解压吧XXDDD)

    這一切都是意外囧 我沒有閒到一個一個去查啦!哈哈

  3. Patty wrote:

    LOL wow you are SO bored…
    *let me go try*


    XDDD! never knew google and wiki can be this entertaining
    (actually, i still think google translation still tops in terms funniness haha)

  4. howard wrote:

    “define: ” <= 好有禪意啊

    對啊,有沒有覺得我人生充滿智慧 >w>

  5. Jie wrote:

    chk chk chk 好難發音耶…

    而且我覺得如果他們開演唱會粉絲還要在下面尖叫 CHK CHK CHK,整個 low 掉了…
    不過網站倒是做得不錯! 8D

  6. kwyc wrote:

    haha this is fun and educational~
    awww this doesn’t work XD —> “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XD”


    nani!? 破折號? 海角七號?….. jkjkk

    對啊有沒有有沒有,我的 blog 最近都很有教育意義呢!
