[i♥b8] 精疲力盡

   鏡頭看出去的影像也失焦了重疊了 (́=◞౪◟=‵)・・・

Taken with Hipstamatic on iPhone 4


由於昨晚睡眠不足、今天中午又吃太飽 (Sea Monstr 的鰻魚飯份量好驚人唔唔!) 所以下午在公司 lounge 開會時窩在鬆鬆軟軟的大沙發裡真的幾乎要睡著! 好幾次努力想瞪大眼睛看著 presenter 但不到五秒鐘他的臉就會像上圖中的房子一樣開始 multiply and overlap…… 所以我想選這照片來呼應今天的主題真是再適合不過了 (好好的藝術感都被毀了喂!)

Story behind the shot: the double exposure / superimposed effects were actually discovered a while back by accident, where a defect in iPhone’s built-in HDR function coupled perfectly with an inherent bug within the Hipstamatic app. So I kind of used that to my advantage and produced the following shots. I guess accidents do happen and sometimes they are amazing! :p


今日隨機主題:精疲力盡 | 玩家名單 | 串聯訂閱 | N 某歷年挑戰

4 則留言

  1. LALa wrote:

    hihi iloveblogger >W<

    好特別的照片風格!!! 超喜歡左上那一張!

  2. kwyc wrote:

    double exposure 好讚!
    especially the one with the statue, 好有FU

    • 小 N wrote:

      不過後來軟體升級之後這個 bug 好像已經 fixed 了…. cannot reproduce the bug again nooooo!!
