


(喔對如果剛好認識有人的貓走丟了,請盡快跟斗笠撒聯絡~ =w=)

真的好可愛好可愛,唉我也好想養貓歐 >m<~ *開始流口水做白日夢ING..

6 則留言

  1. Chord wrote:


  2. SL wrote:

    你的那個 question mark 讓我想起別人photoshop 上去 “wtf?” 哈哈哈

  3. Ruby wrote:

    love your website!!! hehehe especially the pictures!! how are you doing lately???

  4. aggy wrote:

    damnn!!! i’m gonna slap you for all the pretty pictures you take!!! hehehe so anyway, i’m leaving to camp in another hour, where i would be cut off from civilization except a max of 20 minutes per day on the internet, that is, if i find the time. so i guess i’ll look through this place after i go back to taiwan.. which won’t be after august 7 =P

  5. laila wrote:

    first time actually commenting on ur blog.
    it looks too professional to be a normal, daily blog actually.
    feel very impressed..by the layout and design.
    so simple, yet so artistic and abstract.
    and of coz, the picutre with you behind those sunglasses.
    the 2nd pair of sunglasses ive seen u in photos..
    but never in real person @@
    amazed that u actaully have a hobby of colleting sunglasses..
    wonder how many more i have yet to see ^^
    it took me a long time to read ur entry, as it is typed in chinese..so u found a stray cat? and ure trying to find the owner? i see~~ its so small and healthy looking. reminds me…of the injured bird that i once found and brought home…but never had the chance to release it again…this cat must be enjoying your company during the time you’re trying to find its owner~

  6. 小 N wrote:

    壞貓角色 <- 像波斯貓那種對吧! XD 不知道為什麼好像就一副凶神惡煞的樣子 可是偏偏我爸就超喜歡那種貓.. 還說我沒眼光.. = =||| 什麼啊 hahah good that i'm not the only one =P~ SL: 什麼 wtf 不要教壞小孩子!! 不過我覺得跟牠的眼神倒是蠻搭配的 XDD Ruby: heyhey! so surprised that u left a msg here! x] hehee i'm doing fine now, half dead in summer skul x_x~ Aggy: =3= then should i murder for all the funny picture posts u always make? hahahaha~ o well... it seems like u wun be seeing my reply until after aug 7.. then i guess i can skip this XD hahha jk~~ seems like u haf camps very often!! that's so cooool T-T haf fun in ur camp and haf fun in tw!! laila: =.=... at first i had absolutely no idea who u are, but as i read on i went " omg! this sound so lisaly!!" LOL.. cuz u always leave weird comments.. me li hai ba!? hahahaa~~ btw~ i didn't find the cat, it was my frd~ and now my frd is raising it and trying to find the owner~ and i just came 湊熱鬧 LOL~ the cat looks very cute indeed, makes me wanna steal it n bring it home TxT and omg u once brought home an injuried bird?!?!?! that's sooo swt !! o_o lisa so kind hahahhaa
