今天睡到下午四點,可憐的 Sandy 來了兩次電話都撲了空,而且兩次都得到「對不起哦,Grace 還在睡覺…」的這種回應||| 好啦我知道我睡很多…但我也是為了還以前的睡眠債,所以我也是不得已的啦~ orz
補完眠後就去麥當當找 Sandy 跟 Karen。原本計畫今天要讀至少一章 Bio 的,可是每想到小白一出場,讀書似乎就不得安寧…本來想說『反正這裡又不能上網,沒關係』但沒想到網路無弗界,免費的 wireless network 好像走到哪裡都可以偷 囧… 最後乾脆上起網來,結果還無聊到陪 Sandy 重看【惡魔在身邊】~(小白裡的那些 drama 真的該刪!) 可惜麥當當今天早關門,七點左右就來趕人了,所以我們就遷移到對面的綠灣 (因為有 free wireless 而且開到 11:30 PM) 然後繼續混,混到大概十點半才回家。今天基本上是蠻開心的,雖然好像一點也不 productive X”D
順便一提,今天跟 Sandy 逛去了某人的網誌,發現這年頭自戀的人還真多啊!@@ 不過今天看到的這個更是不可思議,從來不知道一個男人用的保養品可以有那麼多…such as primrose facial hydrating cream, facial moisturizing cream, rose facial treatment, anti-oxidant eye serum, aromatique hand balm, cucumber herbal toner, French rosewater (?), amino acid shampoo (we made a great joke over this one…XD), hair conditioner, grooming formula, satin-soft body rub moisturizer (?!), lip balm, etcetc…yet he’s not even a star or something @@ 除此之外還為每個保養品寫詳盡的介紹,真的可以去代言了…⊙.⊙ 令我大開眼界,佩服啊!
我的隨身碟裡常save 一些drama..
到最後都是END UP 看影片…哈哈^^”
每次看你procrastinate都有夠好笑的 XD
omg. is the brand that the guy used call kehles or something?
anywayz…yesterday ar. went house dinner. then went to watch a movie call ‘ inside man’ …omg..too intellectual since leela and moka liked it. me and winnie ( 2 dumb de..) dun like it so much…
then ended up drinking….in the morning got a bit hangover…now feel like i’m floating…ya…hahhaha.
miss u.
DUN SLACK LE LAR. but u slack also get gd marks. me no worry. MUACKZ.
哈哈~那些影片真的是讀書人的禍害啊! =.=
至於那個 er… 我去看了啦
你時間真的很多是不是 ~”~ (力嘔真可憐~)
LOL~ 可是你都貼在這裡了..
也夠張揚了啦~~ =v=|||| 哈
別在那裡幸災樂禍 =3=
ni wie:
hahha yeah I think that’s the brand!
and there’s another one… forgot wut’s that called..
we made a lot of comments about the packaging tho XD
(hai~~ we’re so mean…)
anywayz… dun drink too much lah!!
finals are coming u noe… DUN SLACK LE LAR!!!
(copy that from u cuz i think u need it more than i do XD)
hoho~~~ ganbatte ba!