
+ gяacεⁿ : wut does overhead mean? 0w0 eg. “the overhead of pointers in the linked list can be quite large”
[avi]: overhead = downside?
+ gяacεⁿ : realli =O
[avi]: dunno
[avi]: sounds like it
+ gяacεⁿ : oohhh no wonder
+ gяacεⁿ : but i always thought overhead means something good neh =w=
+ gяacεⁿ : cuz it’s… over.. your head
+ gяacεⁿ : hahaahaa
[avi]: =w=
[avi]: so where are you in 221…i am still at ground zero
+ gяacεⁿ : i am not too far either -_-
+ gяacεⁿ : hafnt even finished reading slides
[avi]: =_=
+ gяacεⁿ : wow our first upass is YELLOW?
+ gяacεⁿ : i just digged it out
[avi]: i threw mine
[avi]: blue is better
+ gяacεⁿ : have we ever had pink before?? 0.0
+ gяacεⁿ : no right?
[avi]: i want red or purple
[avi]: no wait! silver!
+ gяacεⁿ : OOoOOOOO
+ gяacεⁿ : I WANT
+ gяacεⁿ : HAHAA
[avi]: ( lol this is not some trading card game =_=)
+ gяacεⁿ : ……… hahahahaa
+ gяacεⁿ : 用 upass 來玩是不是有點 pathetic XD
[avi]: ”I summon Ivy!” * cold stare from the back* “oh hi Ivy didn’t see you there”
+ gяacεⁿ : ……………..(wtf)
+ gяacεⁿ : hahahaahhahaha XDDDD
+ gяacεⁿ : i have lots of ivy on my roof(ok這個狠冷)
+ gяacεⁿ : she’s online ar
[avi]: ”oh hi Ivy didn’t see you there”
+ gяacεⁿ : = =lll
+ gяacεⁿ : OOOO. i now officially announced that i have used up my 2nd NEW pen ever since final started!
+ gяacεⁿ : this is banana.gif
+ gяacεⁿ : s cary… i really shud change the emoticon shortcut name = =
[avi]: i almost cannot hold my pen anymore
[avi]: yeah…this is banana doesn’t make sense
+ gяacεⁿ : ……..this is bananas = makes more sense?
+ gяacεⁿ : XD ok anywayz
+ gяacεⁿ : need to buy new pens tomolo. sigh
+ gяacεⁿ : and i just realized how random our convo is
[avi]: don’t you just love it



我貼這出來幹嘛啊…我也不知道= = 總之就狠白爛的 random 東西= =
後面還有可是不小心被 MSN 踢出去,沒有存,不過為了當事人名譽著想,還是這樣吧(其實貼這出來也不知道要幹嘛 orz)大家就假裝沒看到吧哈哈~繼續歡樂讀書去(飄走)

另外還有一個稍早以前的,比較悲劇性的一段,不過因為某些 (很明顯的) 因素只敢貼在 facebook…哈哈哈哈 orz 真囧。

10 則留言

  1. Ivy wrote:

    …..我…很神秘的進入了兩人的對話了耶.. 我想我應該要感到很榮幸…. *炸*
    (I want my summon card to be in gold and in combo only =__=++) (oi)
    (oh and.. 其實我昨天msn掛在那我已經睡著..XD)
    again 加油加油加油!! 我也很想你也很愛你喔喔喔 XDD 請記得ivy的愛!! (?!)

  2. kwyc wrote:

    hahahha 好好笑喔~
    (難怪 facebook 會出現 (wtf?) ~~ )

    不過overhead 不是那個 overhead projector 啊? XP

    ps. the banana is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!

  3. cuddlie wrote:

    hmm, i’m not 100% positive but i think this overhead is refering to memory overhead, ie cost space… since we need extra space to store references (pointers)…

    but very interesting coverstation that it turns into haha ^^

  4. cuddlie wrote:

    *correction* cost in terms of space…

  5. dk wrote:

    i am not included in your educational cram chat sessions, i feel left out ;_;|||

  6. avi wrote:

    dk blame it on grace for you not appearing in convo b/c your card is in grace’s deck XP

  7. 小 N wrote:

    哈哈因為 Ivy 是大神所以才會在卡上啊!XD
    (可是為什麼是 avi 的卡而不是我的勒!!怒!)
    (喔喔喔因為 ivy 跟我憑心電感應就夠了根本就不需要 summon 嘛 XD 挖哈哈哈哈哈哈 *叉腰大笑* avi 遜掉了)

    (ok i guess i should stop 自言自語ing= =)
    吼難怪我敲你都沒回應 XD
    i misss uuuuuuuu!!!

    你知道我第一個反應也是 overhead projector
    哈哈哈哈 XD

    呵呵我後來去翻字典(好好學呀)也才知道原來 overhead = cost XP
    Erica 不愧是 hardcore cs major 真的很厲害 =D
    結果今天有考一題狠類似的題目也 我就很驕傲的用了這個 term 阿哈哈
    (謎: 這應該是常識吧你驕傲什麼)

    i’m sure you’re pretty involved in grace’s panicking sessions on facebook XD
    既然你都不拿 320 了=____=

    = =你又知道什麼了你..||||
    have fun taking ur stats exam tomorrow ah XD

  8. TU wrote:

    totally random,
    導遊, 我整個就迷路了!

    Hey! its the banana… but why is it there? not on the banana tree? *我也要學很random 的說話方式!

  9. weini wrote:

    so weird. i swear i left a msg….but..got got wat le lar.
    so buzi leaving u msges. on facebook wall. facebook msg. then here (juz in case u think me never come no more). ……not complaining…有种幸福的感觉~~~~(用帮grace留言而slack真是不错)

  10. 小 N wrote:

    哈哈你本來就很 random 了,不用學啦 XD

    aww u still remember here :D
    hahahaah facebook is so funny, everytime i read my inbox there’s this subject “dun read if ur buzi.. but a good toilet read” LOL… but yaaaa i read it everytime when i’m studying XD aiyooo i miss studying with u…. i just wasted another day today :'( so pissed at myself! anywayz i’ll save the whining for facebook XD hahahhaa
