吼~搞不懂自己在想啥,平常不更新,偏偏選在有功課要趕有二十頁課本要讀有實驗要準備的凌晨兩點來寫 blog ( ̄▽ ̄||) 嘿,也許是因為部落格最近室溫急速下降而感到不習慣吧。
不過這裡大概還要再冰凍個兩個禮拜,作業考試一窩蜂地很有默契就算了但最難的兩門期中考偏偏擺在同一天是怎樣?從這篇段落嚴重缺乏逗號的程度來看就可知道 N 的神志清醒指數已呈現近趨於零快成負數的狀態了哇啦啊啊啊啊嘎嘎!(亂叫一通) 真想當一顆躲在冷凍庫裡的冰塊啊 = =+…
不過最近還是發生了很多令人感動的事情 >///< 今天超開心。
[圖] UBCLE Icebreaker, 吧台下的秘密基地之1:P
whew! Me Save the Day!
我就是討厭人多到可以把一個在地上的( 人 || 貓 ) 踩死的地方
ㄟ!!! Java 出現了! O_O
最近沒看到小 Grace 的更新
生活少了一點點閱讀 blog 的歡樂
趕快Ace掉那些assignments and midterms然後回來blogging!!
what did you do to this photo? the color is really clean and clear, a cool picture!
biochem next tue…ah. me dying le…i onli know 1/3 of the stuff….hai…….
你 save 什麼 day 啊! = =想太多..
不過… 現在不要跟我提到 java.. = =~~(怨念)
hi there! =D actually the lighting was quite good already when i took the photo, so all i did was to increase the contrast a bit =P glad to know that you like it!
因為考試太多啦.. T___T
i haf organic chem this week too!
and u noe… i thought i knew about 60% of the stuff… but then after i went to the tutor session y/d, i feel like i only know 10% =_=;
o well… just do our best ba XD + oil !
Clone~~I am leaving in few hours later~~
what r u doing right now??
I am start missing you now~~
wanna cry~~for no reason~~
so weird~~we won’t see each other more than one month:(
reli miss you~~miss hau hau~~angel~~sherry ~~isabelle~~
damn….don’t wanna go now~”~
*sign* wish you luck for your exams la~~
I will msg you when I get there kk~
don’t forget me!!!! promise me that!!
haha~~hau said he didn’t know that I am leaving on monday~~
you didn’t tell him?? haha~~anyways~~
tell me every single news when you have one ok~~
no matter who is that or what happen ok^_^
stay together~~reli love you!
wei…u noe my name mar? whats wrong with my name? dunno how to type?
anywayz…tomorrow biochem..then hor…aiyo. suddenly this stupid shanghai guy call jerry ( quite cute)called winnie…started hypnotizing her into believeing that she’ll sux at the test coz’ she didn’t study 2 weeks before. he claimed that tomorrow’s test is totally hard and everyone had studied 2 weeks be4 ( excluding me, winnie and him of coz’) I studied….3 days before..so then…winnie totally freaked out.called me about getting a medical certificate…now i am freaking out coz’ i never really memorize everything………no. i did not. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 35% leh. then my nice roommate (not leela) decided to bring her friends over tonite. GREAT. then library no seats at all. all UT peeps are crazy. dieeeeeeee.
missing u……………………
pls–> i wondered abt my letter too, today. um…so u havn’t send it…i thought u wrote the wrong add or my roommate stole it……..
抱歉不知道你的留言之前一直在 awaiting moderation =P
哎呀呀呀我超想看 DeathNote 的!
L 在裡面好帥喔!哈哈
already left my comment in ur space la ^^
misss u lots!!!!
must take care and get well soon ok?
luv ya XD!!!
aiyo.. me too lazy to change it ma! hahaa
sigh okay.. since ur not on now..
will whine to u later T__T”
miss talking to u so much..
(ps. dun think ur roomate will wanna steal the letter ba XD||| LOL! if she did she would prob. regret it later… ahahhaa)
T__T sigh.. received two shocks today..
o well… gambatte for the finals ba..!! \ ” /