
Takoyaki @ Ajijiman, Aberdeen
今天下午去 Richmond,Eva 送給了我一隻會唱歌的小狗,天啊真的害我感動地亂七八糟!TT^TT 好喜歡哦,給可愛的 Eva 一個大大的謝謝!❤
然後就在 Golden Village 那一帶到處亂逛,還在 Parker 碰到 Jeffrey,沒想到他跟 Eva 是高中同學!好巧唷,溫哥華的華人圈子果然很小 XD (所以說 Eva 你也加入 LE 吧!喔呵呵呵呵) ←有點奇怪的結論
逛了大約兩個多小時,看到了好多超有特色的東西!不過今天倒是買得很少,我發現我快變成只愛 window shopping 的勤儉持家良善婦女了 = = (個頭) 哈哈哈!但我發現我真的很會勸敗,因為跟我逛街的人常會在我的慫恿之下買了很多…[像可憐的 Eva 今天就敗了不少家,Weini 昨天也是 ( ̄ー ̄)] 唉,但這也不能怪我誰叫他們穿什麼都好看咧~XD
逛完後就去時代坊樓上的 Ajijiman 吃章魚燒,就是本日照片的主角,蠻好吃的捏!吃完後 Eva 媽來接她,我就去 Daiso 跟大統華幫媽媽買東西 (盒子 + 台灣米酒兩瓶 = =) 結果一進大統華就看到好幾架的零食在向我招手,害我在前面流連忘返、天人交戰了好久,但礙於昨天已經在 Candy Land 吃了很多的緣故 (Weini 必須買滿 $20 才能拿到九折優惠卡),只好忍痛與那些熱情的零食們訣別,提著米酒去結帳…TT_TT 唉沒關係啦,反正最近實在吃太多,若再這樣以每天四五餐的比率下去,沒有撐死遲早也會胖死!所以該戒掉零食改啃胡蘿蔔囉!(as if…)
沒想到回到家後,老媽不曉得是因為買到米酒了很高興,還是我最近都很乖很孝順 (?!),突然給我一小筆獎金以玆鼓勵 (゚д゚…跑腿費嗎?) 哈哈哈~好開心!零食們等我啊,我來了~~~(上一段的結論請當我沒說過)
距離上一次吃章魚燒是 2005 的夏天 XD
Happy New Year~ ^^
下次中午到 Richmond 可以來探玩具熊的班共進午餐呀!
呵呵 boxing day我也有去oakridge 是快关门的时候去的 所以一点也不boxing..
i went diaso tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. yesterdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. where weree uuuuuuuuu? hahhahaa
today me goana shop again. ME HAVE TO BUY SOMETHING (and hopefully not return them). hahahaha.
btw. my dad bought a nikon…camera. those big onces…..one day come see see ba. hehe. remember his planner wor!! (“不好意思”我就不说啦。谢谢吧。)哈哈。
GRACE. i want to watch happy feeet REALLLLL BAD. are we watching happy feet on wed? is wed confirmed??
everyone is getting fat….everyone…
oh btw, just got dentist checkup…my sis got another cavity AGAIN lol…she gets one every year…XDDD
aiyo. me again. even i am sick of myself leaving msg here. hahaha. j.k j.k
anywayz. u going bodyworld tomorrow mar? obviously my brother really wanna go. so call me ar. me waiting. muackz
Miss! i asked for a good webspace so long ago, and you gimme a reply to a question wayyy older…i already (half) figure out wordpress la…i need a webspace to start…but by now i’m not so into building blog anymore….(lazyness…)…can’t find any game here in taiwan that’s not online in 7-11…orz…
哈哈,還記得那麼清楚喔 XD
有空可以趁 2006 還沒過完去回味一下!
我最近常常跑 Richmond 呢…哈哈
咦咦!我 boxing day 那天也是 oakridge 快關門的時候去的耶!
不過好奇怪喔,我在 metro 一整天什麼都沒買,
結果在 oakridge 的十分鐘內卻去兩家店敗了 $70…
okok… obviously all 3 of ur comments were already replied somewhere (first we talked about today, second by msn, third by email, and fourth by phone i suppose) so yeah… hahaha XD too bad bw3 today wasn’t as gd as the one u went to b4… apparently bw2 is on exhibition right now in Boston :'( so not fair… but o well… we kinda had fun… at least I did… hahahaa. thanks wor. love u most le XD
hahaha aww poor sis… I guess she’s kinda similar to me then XD” hahaha~ and abt the web hosting… left a msg on ur space le! aiyo but seriously u should get a new blog… ur space hates me T-T
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