


1. No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

2. God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

最近越來越有種,天啊我在幹嗎啊的混亂感覺…不曉得是不是純粹只是自己壓力太大,還是還沒從外公在生日當天驟世的打擊平復過來,我想是因為我太不懂得 handle 的關係,總之覺得現在的我,現在在全速向前衝停不下來的生活,好累…







Dear God, I need you…

11 則留言

  1. H wrote:

    but she needs god…and you are not god XD jking
    i’m just gonna say that the number of people who will help you out is probably greater than the total number of people i know….so if you have problems, you should just ask for help….
    hey i just realized i have a thing for small clear font…they look so….sexy…O.o
    oh yeah i just realized what avi stands for…

    no it’s not
    “Avoid: Very Idiotic”
    whoever thinks that is gonna get their butt wooped

    American Veridian Ivy(Wow that actually sounds like a real plant name)…

    no not really
    it stands for “avatar illustrator”(i totally forgot about it lol…came up with it long long time ago)

    on a side note…wiktionary define Avi as “A male given name, pet form of אַבְרָהָם (Avraham, equivalent to Abraham)”.

  2. 乖乖~~^_^

  3. Lawrence wrote:

    hey hey, Grace~



  4. cuddlie wrote:

    hello Grace! 只是想要來跟妳說辛苦了!
    TWFF 網站真的很漂亮!!!

    等我回來 等妳考完試 我們再去喝茶唷!

  5. kwyc wrote:

    stressed lately? XD


    ps. 背景音樂好熟悉~ 原來是 FF10 的阿~ =P

  6. URD : ) wrote:


  7. Ivy wrote:

    ..好. I am now officially worried (喂)
    Grace, 妳幫我那麼多, 你知道我絕對是會幫你幫到底的 U__U
    so I will give you all the help I can give in areas that I can give so today–
    you will finish the cpsc 213 assign in two hours tops = =+ (什麼)

  8. 我姓安 wrote:

    恩老師,記者會那一天,妳突然就靜悄悄偷溜了-! 讓我”久久不能釋懷”~ 請愛肝,不要忙過頭-

  9. 以晴 wrote:


  10. weini wrote:

    babe. i see u posted my letter as pic. me totally honored…but hopefully no one tried to figure out wats its abt…or all ur friends will know how childish and immature i am . =3=. hehe
    anywayz. today i went to sushi buffet again. hahahaha. eating soo much. i ordered 50 sashimi wor. envy ba. hehe.
    hope u feeling better le lar. DUN STRESS URSELF OUT. impairs ur cognitive abilities , perceptual speed…etc, etc. so ya. get more sleep k? sleep deprivation in 3 days only have mental abilities of people who did not sleep for 3 days. so sleep. muackz. get well soon.

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