UPass 被折爛了該怎麼辦 & QuaMuk 綁架成功!

嗚嗚我真的沒有要淹沒大家 RSS 的意思…(謎:那麼常更新是有多煩啊=皿=#)
這次就長話短說好了,總之 the moral of the story 就是—

絕對不要把 Upass 塞在口袋裡。

會遺憾終生的啊啊啊啊! (大誤)

記得當時N某還在跟斗笠撒很開心地在吃晚餐,結果不曉得是因為吃太飽把衣服撐太緊還是怎樣(好啦我承認人肥不是一天兩天的事實了),N某原本只是想彎個腰撿東西就聽到腰間傳出了十分不祥的「啪」一聲!!…然後我的 Upass 就這樣很乾脆地被折斷了。

雖然是可以再用膠帶貼起來啦,可是磁條有折損到所以刷卡機應該是不會過,我目前的作法是把 Upass 的殘骸放在皮夾裡然後上車時很快地晃一下給司機看就好,但考慮到我有時會遇到會強迫乘客刷 Upass 的司機,所以揪竟該怎麼辦咧 T口T~~ 大家知道 UBC bookstore 會讓我們換嗎…還是說我還要付錢買一張新的…?!(實在是不想再付二十幾塊啦 QQ) 不過話說我總覺得這幾年的 Upass 好脆弱啊,去年的 Upass 也是被我用到有兩三個裂痕…所以我想應該也有人有不小心把它折斷的經歷吧?(還是說是因為我平常都亂放沒有好好收起來的關係…(遠目))

撇開 Upass 悲慘分屍事件不談,今天是個可喜可賀的日子,因為終於可以把 Quatchi 跟 Mukmuk 抱回家了!!(大心)

Quatchi and MukMuk

努力鎮守幾個禮拜結果還是淪陷了啊啊啊! (恥辱的眼淚)

嗚誰叫牠們實在是太可愛了!其實N某之前只要去 la Baie 都會忍不住在跑去牠們身旁多繞幾圈,可是到最後還是捨不得買…沒想到今天呆呆就幫我抱回來了 T皿T!!!

(難怪之前還故意問我這麼欠揍的問題,原來只是想探查我比較喜歡哪隻…可是實在是太難抉擇所以到最後變成兩隻都抱回家了 XD)

Quatchi wants creme brulee

↑ 想吃一心 creme brulee 的 Quatchi (最左邊的眼神好哀怨!)

Mukmuk wants poutine

↑ 呆餵 Mukmuk 吃 poutine…話說右邊這張感覺好有母愛 XDDD

更多照片 @ 非死不可 (btw we probably should probably give them new names but the best we’ve come up with is 滷蛋 + 奇異果 =A=.. def need something better than those so suggestions are welcomed!!)

5 則留言

  1. Showbeddy wrote:

    (認真) 莫非樓上這個是傳說中的男友?

    對喔..你這麼說我才發現這好像是我第一次在這個 blog 貼他照片 XDDD
    其實你也有他的 plurk 啊 :P

  2. SL wrote:

    You can just go into the upass office and get a replacement for free ah.. =.= LOL 沒有那麼嚴重. Only $20 if you lost it! haha

    我家之前就有quatchi. Sorry but實在太可愛了 哈哈哈. 前幾天看到打折,又狠狠的買了一隻mukmuk, and on my 6th volunteer shift I selected a Miga. WAHAHA, 昨天… 又看到打折,全ˊ組的keychains也都買的.. LOL

    Sorry no love for sumi… =.=

    Nooooo not $20, $26 AND 50 cents!!!
    而且你整個就很瘋狂耶,連 keychain 也買了!!
    我覺得 sumi 好可憐喔好像人氣沒有很高…
    even tho he looks the most “canadian” XD

  3. 小 N wrote:


    The U-Pass contains magnetic information and is designed to be used in a mechanical card reader. To remain functional, it must be treated with the same amount of care as a bank card. A U-Pass must not be hole-punched, cut, folded or left near a magnet or magnetic device. Please note:

    – The cost of replacing a lost or stolen U-Pass is $26.50. When a U-Pass is replaced, the original U-Pass will be rendered inactive.
    – If the U-Pass ceases to function through no fault of the Passholder, the U-Pass will be replaced at no cost.
    If, in the opinion of the University, the U-Pass was defaced, de-activated or otherwise rendered defective intentionally or due to the negligence of the Passholder, a $26.50 replacement fee will be applied.
    – With the exception of lost or stolen U-Passes, the Passholder must return a defective card before the University will prepare a new replacement card.


  4. Will wrote:

    抗議~ what problems do you have with Marinated Egg and Kiwi?! >A<

    我覺得很可愛啊~ 而且很貼切 =3=



  5. Jerry 莊 wrote:

    “…, in the opinion of the University…”

    I don’t think people at the carding office care? They replaced mine for free without asking any questions.

    really! u broke it too?
    大概是因為前幾次 upass 不見時那裡的人都很機車, 所以對他們有點怕怕的 Q_Q
