隨著夏日的腳步越來越近 (有嗎),TWFF 2011 的籌備也在如火如荼地進行,而最令人期待的海報設計也在上個週末出爐了! (哇這開頭感覺好 LE Newsletter 的感覺喔有沒有)
TWFF 2010 posters, photographed by Jeff
由於去年由小粉紅領銜主演的 TWFF 2010 超美海報收到了非常熱烈的迴響,今年的設計團隊決定將這份美麗延續到今年裡,但又另外加入了一個別出心裁的小驚喜 (登登)!
Message from Wayroan:
I am extremely pleased to present to you this year’s teaser posters. We really felt that we struck the right chord last year with all our promotional materials. Therefore, out of our admiration for that design coupled with a lack of time, we have managed to come up with an entirely different but oddly familiar series of posters for the 2011 VANCOUVER TAIWANESE FILM FESTIVAL!!! *applause*
I would really like to thank all the design team and model for their time and support, and I hope you are as much in awe of these posters as we are!
廢話不多說就讓我們趕快來看看巴~ 請盡量不要在上班的時候看就是了
窩的馬呀由 LE 才氣橫溢的兩塊錢 (當事人堅持要用的化名) 拍出的效果果然不同凡響,除了四張場景及 pose 跟原作的相似度逼近 95% 以外那個銷魂的眼神到底是怎麼辦到的!!!
Gathered Responses:
(狗累死) This is so awesome, coming from an ex-design director I love how there is a recurring theme in our promotional designs and I’m especially amazed by how it connects with (and transforms?) the 2010 TWFF. Upon the first glance it may seem like we were reusing the same set in the shoot where in fact the fan was cleverly replaced by a blow-dryer, which still serves the same purpose in this poster and expresses the notion of 殊途同歸, just like how a film can be directed in a million different ways but can express the same central theme. The fact that the shoot was modeled by a different person of a different gender also expresses how TWFF embraces different views, beliefs and facets of our national (and individual) psyche. I am thoroughly impressed by this piece of art and having it up on the wall mural will definitely attract a lot of people to the festival!
(毛主席) Echoing Grace comments, as the past design director of the 2010 TWFF, I am very proud and pleased that the theme of last year is being passed on to this year with such a creative twist. this way when ppl see the poster, they can be reminded of our film fest last year, and yet knowing that this is also a brand new year of TWFF! model的表現也是可圈可點,表情和神韻(欠揍的)讓人無法只看一眼,印象讓人特別深刻, 想從腦中洗也洗不掉。very successful promotion strategy using the power of shock 和印象衝擊,可見今年團隊的用心, a job well done
(馬克杯杯) Ok can someone remind me why I am looking at these images 2 in the morning…?!
I am going to have nightmare tonight for sure….well done
總之呢恭喜大家成功完成如此曠世鉅作,實在是太不簡單了每一屆的團隊都是青出於藍更勝於藍啊 TWFF 一定會紅的!!! (握拳) 然後其實這一切都不是真的所以原本打算帶爸爸媽媽來影展的朋友們請別擔心,之後就會有正常版的海報了哈哈哈 XD
↑ 很像對不對~而且其實這張真的還蠻有 feel 的有沒有!!
↑ 左: 參考用的原作 / 右: 忙碌的拍攝現場~感謝藤藤再次提供場地+道具+洋裝 XDDD
↑ 而且這位奇女子(?!)實在太紅了,在現場居然還被狗仔偷拍!
影片是 K 冷冒著生命危險錄的密碼是今年影展的場地縮寫 (xxxx) 噗 XD
好啦爆得差不多了我也覺得有點自身難保完全就是仗著明天就要搭機逃逸這點亂來所以就先這樣啦 影展還請各位捧由多多支持 大家掰百!
Never have I been more proud to be a part of this film festival! This year’s poster clearly outdid last year’s with the substitution for the blow-dryer, which in my humble opinion more accurately embodies the passionate endeavours of the staff. Uplifting concept, inspiring design, and an absolutely superb finish. Bravo!
製作團隊可以考慮一下! (認真
看到最後一張就想揍人了 哈哈哈
oh ya~~
林小 N,不是說要 “keeping distribution of the image limited” 嗎?小心被模特兒打… XD
*thumb* 小狗仔領版面費去~
哇靠!守驚費拿來 *伸手*
Wonderful, this poster will bring TWFF 2011 to an all new level.(◕‿◕)
這個絕對要放在官方網站墓後花絮上啊!!!! (錯字intended)
(同感) 檯面上這些真的只是冰山的一角