[i♥b8] 雨水飄落的一瞬間

♫ 用來配影片的 Dazie Mae – Sofa :)




Videos taken in January, 2011 (one of my first few experiments in 8mm for iPhone)

N 某碎碎念:
☂ 現在看到以前每天都會搭的 41 公車,忽然有種好懷念的感覺啊!
☂ 本部落格即將休工五天,因為 N 某明日就要為五斗米折腰,到米國出差去啦! 到時候應該會沒有時間繼續 ILoveBlog,等回來後再看有沒有辦法補好了 :) I’ll keep stalking though, muahahaha! keep up the good work all!

embracing solitude

飄落的一瞬間;Drifting Moment | 玩家名單 | 串聯訂閱 | N 某歷年挑戰

8 則留言

  1. LALa wrote:

    have fun ah~~

  2. Eggie wrote:

    喜歡雨 我能了解… (因為我也是 ^_^)
    拍下下雨的美景, 我也能了解….


    而且還拍的有點詭異… 像鬼片!!!

    have a safe trip!!! (what do you do anywaysss? )

    • 小 N wrote:

      哈哈哈哈!! 其實是鬼片沒錯 只要重複看7749次就會看到雨鬼哦~(大誤
      其實那個時候只是在play around with the filming app’s effects 而已啦XD 所以其實只是個test shot, 但因為覺得有切題(???)所以就放上來了~(遮臉
      and thanks! i work as a software engineer so I’m just going down for a technology review conference at microsoft lo :P

  3. Eggie wrote:

    omg! 妳好棒! :D
    Microsoft neii~~!!

    where do you work ANYWAYS~? :P
    how long have u been working as a fulltime?

    • 小 N wrote:

      沒有什麼很棒的啦~只是去參加研習會然後和一些以後可能會一起合作的人 meet 而已 XD
      I’m working at RESAAS, a company that builds social networking platforms for real estate professionals :) Just started here last summer, and before that I was working at Blast Radius for a year~ so around 1.5 yrs of fulltime work after graduation for me XD how about you? i saw (from your previous post) that you’re working now too? :p

  4. Eggie wrote:

    哈哈 好 沒有很棒! :P
    你才開始工作沒多久就被派去參加 Conference o~? that’s impressive :)

    lol yesss I’m working as a fulltime too, for about 6 months now =)
    at a company called Nyce Networks as an Engineerrrr (yay engineering!)
